Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Broken Love - If its Broken- Fix It!

It seems like everyone wants to have the right intimate relationship, but no one wants to do the work that is necessary to maintain this type of relationship. Just as a house needs on going maintenance, painting, plumbing, etc. a relationship needs the same.
If two people when they connected were perfect people, then the need for this continuous up keep would of course be unnecessary. Unfortunately, there are no perfect people that are living on the planet since the beginning of time. Even Adam and Eve, had their moment of failure and breakdown. Imagine what would of happened, if Adam had stormed out of the Garden, that would have been disastrous, but leaving Eve stuck all alone with the beguiling serpent, would have been even more disastrous.

If God had not intervened in this covenanted relationship, despite the breakdown and the hurt, the ultimate outcome would of been no more you or me. Procreation would of never gotten off the ground.

If you look at it, as they came together submitting to one another, helping one another, and ultimately, remembering their first love that they had for each other, the relationship was rekindled into something beautiful, that is still lasting throughout the centuries of time.

Women are looking for Sugar Daddies, and men are looking for Barbie Dolls...What is wrong with this picture. Love is thrown out the window, and the only thing that seems to be satisfied is Self. There's self absorption, and no self-denial. You want the trinkets, but not the commitment, you want to eat all the desserts but not endure the hard times but only the good times in the relationships.

Couples are playing the roulette game. Almost to the point of risking it all. Everyone is demanding attention without willing to offer any love and affection. Sleeping in separate rooms, holding on to sex as if you had won the lottery ticket, that's all your own. Your body is not your own, it was given to the other when you said "I Do," not "I Don't." Little do couples know that when you deny your partner- you are opening a dangerous door. Loving your mate, should be a given, it should be something not that you are force to do, or something that should appear as a job, or a chore or even a bore. It should be the most intensified expression of your love for one another.

Granted, now today- you can find a significant other any where, any how. There are a billion people on the planet, (thanks to Adam and Eve-sticking it out) and surely you can find a replacement at the drop of a hat. This is well understood and noted. But this is not the issue.

Finding your soul mate, finding the love of your life is indeed like winning the Mega-Lottery. It's the hidden treasure that was lost and found, it is the most important thing in life that you will ever possess.
The one person in life- that feels you, connects with you- and fits every nook and cranny of your being. This is too awesome to forfeit or overlook. Why settle for second best when you can have the best?

So stop, put the tool belt on, and just throw some love, affection, tenderness and forgiveness on that broken love- just like you throw paint on a wall.

Copyright © 2010 Candace Chambers-Belida
Photo Unknown

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Well when we turn to the good old dictionary and look up the word slather, I must say that it is one of the most sensational words that can grace the human lips. So lets explore more about this word Slather:

tr.v. slath·ered, slath·er·ing, slath·ers Informal
1. To use or give great amounts of; lavish: slathered gifts and attention on their only child. 2. a. To spread thickly: slather onions on the steak. b. To cover with something spread thickly: bagels slathered with cream cheese. n. Slang A great amount. Often used in the plural: slathers of jewels.

Interesting enough, it means to pour on, to literally smother with. Now bear with me, this is not a boring English lesson in school, but rather a principle that if you can adapt this into your every day life. You will find life changing experiences.

Imagine creamy luscious butter slathered on pancakes, or even a hot juicy steak, slathered with grilled mushrooms and onions in a Pinot Griegio wine sauce. Now if this doesn't make your taste buds dance, think then about a bowl full of rocky road ice cream, slathered in whip cream, cherries and drizzled with hot chocolate syrup. Now that I truly have gotten your attention, if we can get so excited about the slathering of food. Why can't we get just as excited about the slathering of Love?

Why can't couples take the time, to become- Slather-licious with one another. Instead of sitting on the couch, flicking the remote control, or picking your toes or nails-"Get slather-licious" with one another. Relationships, marriage is the greatest ecstasy and enjoyment that we can have on this earth. Couples today, don't take the time to slather one another with compliments, care or even love.

They slather more butter on their toast, soap on their cars, than on their significant other. Now creating this atmosphere for love is extremely important, but most importantly than atmosphere is that two people need to slather each other with affection, kisses, friendship, and ultimately crazy love. Become what the other person needs, not just what you think they need.

This oneness has to grow and be increased, if you lessen it, it is like having a great pizza with out the cheese, bread with out the butter, a great dress with out the pearls, and the beach without sand. No one wants less than what they started out having in the beginning. The goo-goo ga-ga's.

So by all means you have my permission to slather one another endlessly, so that your relationship oozes out with amorous love. So put on the music, make the time and remember slathering each other is like spiritual glue that sticks the relationship together.

Take the time from this point on, to become Slathery, Slathered, and Slather-licious. To slather or not to slather, that is the question?

Slather-licious™ Copyright © 2010, Author Candace Chambers-Belida

No Portion Used without Permission by Author- Photo Unknown