I think we can learn a thing or two from King Solomon about love and romance. In his day he truly knew the divine rapture of love, enough to write a whole chaper on it. His writings displayed not only the incredible passion that two people can have for one another, but he also uses it as an allegory of God's love.
The Marriage, was meant to be exhuberant and exciting. Even to the point that when two people looked at each other they would become intoxicated by their love. Enough to even become blissfully lovesick.
Songs of Solomon 2:4 - He brings me to the banquet hall and everyone can see how much he loves me. Oh feed me with your love- your raisins and your apples- for I am utterly lovesick. Amazing that she is so weak with love that she has for him, that she is not only fainthearted, but she looks to the man that she loves, to restore her from the weakness in her. " She goes on to say, His left hand is under my head and with his right hand he embraces me. Because she so adoringly loves the way she feels she goes on to say, " Kiss me again and again for your love is sweeter than wine." This is her bridal experience.
The joy of her husband excites her so that she is so faint with love, that she has become lovesick. Have you ever been lovesick? You are so disoriented, so weak, that you can't even think straight. He is her beloved, and he has taken her to the banquet hall, and his banner over her is love, and she is so overwhelmed by his presence and the experience, thus becoming lovesick.
Solomon goes on to say that it's not only her beauty that mesermizes him, but he is drunk off of her love. In his allegory he goes on to say seal me in your heart with permanent betrothal, for love is strong as death, and jealousy is as cruel as Sheol. It flashes fire, the very flame of Jehovah. Many waters cannot quench the flame of love, neither can the floods drown it.- Wow-- a burning flame of Love.
So when you get hit with a flaming arrow of love, now you know where it came from. It originates from the very throne of God. In a marriage the marriage bed is holy, undefiled. If you stop a second and think about it, God has made intimacy between a man and women a little of heaven on earth. A heavenly bliss which is to be experienced, joining the two and making them one. One Flesh meshing together as God has intended.
Many couples don't love each other righteously, let alone lovingly. They use their bodies as a weapon, instead of using it as a loving expression of their tenderness and commitment. If they would embraced these words of Soloman, and allow their love for each other to be awakened instead of falling into a deep sleep, they would find that their relationship is absolutely delicious.
Stop and Think, is there anything more splendiforus than being intoxicated on Love? Nope my friend, my conclusion, being Lovesick- is not bad at all.
Copyright 2010 Candace Chambers-Belida Photo Unknown